ZitatÜbersetzung confused... Kommentar is there any translation in this thread? (if yes, i missed it (and my capitals also))...
back to topic, pls
Ich nutze leo oft, und die Diskussionsfunktion kann extrem hilfreich sein. Aber manchmal auch einfach nur unterhaltsam Wie oft wünsche ich mir einen Knopf an meinem Computer, wo ich nur draufdrücke und beim Verfasser eines Kommentars kommt ne Hand aus dem Bildschirm und batscht ihm so richtig eine. Oh Gott wär das geil!
Zitat von Jam*lol* Es läuft grad son Interview wo Anselmo so nen Saints-Spieler befragt (dem die Fragen von Minute zu Minute doofer zu werden scheint, hahahaha )
Phil: Man, when did you realize, that Football is your passion and that you wanna get pro one day?
Player: Ehrm, you know back in the day, when I wa...
Phil: When I was a kid, there was Black Sabbath! Man, I wanted to be in a band. Thats all I ever wanted to ..........................ehrm..............................be!
Player: ...
Phil: What is New Orleans to you?
Player: Oh, ehrm, when I moved here in 2008...
Phil: When Katrina hit New Orleans back in 2000 ehrm.......................five I felt that life is more than ranting around and taking those drugs!
Player: ...
Phil: After the second match last season you were badly injured. What happened?
Player: Oh, when I received the...
Phil: Pain. Pure pain! My back surgery was a magic moment to me. Beside Black Sabbath when I was a kid and Katrina in 2000.....ehrm...................five. I need to stretch every morning at 9am. Without drugs. Life's bitch sometimes...