ja, war im prinzip sehr mächtig, die show! problem war allerdings, dass dauernd irgendwelche idioten auf den phil anselmo mit bechern geworfen haben, weswegen er dann gegen schluss hin auch mal ausgerastet ist...
Zitat von Erik Blutaxt irgendwelche idioten auf den phil anselmo mit bechern geworfen haben, weswegen er dann gegen schluss hin auch mal ausgerastet ist...
Das ist wohl mittlerweile zum Volkssport geworden...
ZitatThe new Down album is likely to be the heavy soundtrack of next summer after they confirmed to Sonisphere that Down IV will be out by the middle of next year. “I’d say probably late spring or early summer 2010,” explains guitarist Pepper Keenan, while he’s lounging around backstage. A report in Ultimate Guitar last year that six songs for the new album are already recorded is wide of the mark. “We have six songs left over from the last session. Whether we use them for the album or not, we don’t know,” says one of the nicest drummers thrashing the skins in heavy metal today, Jimmy Bower. “Probably not, maybe some parts.” So, what’s it going to sound like? “I think we’re going backwards. It’ll be like the first record,” says Pepper. “The last two records have been pretty grandiose with a lot of parts and bigger things. This time we’re going to go back and have some fun. Two guitar tracks, keep it nice and dry, and focus on simple song writing like the first album, which still works so well.” Jimmy describes it more succinctly: “Go for the throat dude.”
am anfang hab ich noch gesacht, was für ein arogantes arschloch der herr anselmo. war zum glück nur der schlechte erste eindruck. ansonsten ne absolut geile power show