Weedeater - #86
Electric Wizard - come my fanaticsschön zum langsam in die wunderbar kurze Woche zu starten?Ostern ich liebe euch! 2 x 4 tage woche! (schön wenn man am montag morgen schon so denkt... )
yob live video vom roadburn letztes jahr
Kamtschatka - Out My Way
Tom Waits - Little Drop of Poison
Pyramido - Salt
Airbourne - Querbeet
OLD SCHOOL THRASH DAY!!!zuerst:Blood Feast - Chopping Block Blues dann:Dark Angel - Darkness Descendsjetzt:Cyclone - Inferior To None"Throw! ..... The! ...... First! ....... Stoooooooooooooooooone!"
Twelve Hour Turn - The Victory Of Flight
Red Sparowes - The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies The Answerund nebenbei Snooker
Molly Hatchet - st
Envy – All The Footprints You've Ever Left And The Fear Expecting Ahead
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Bossk – .1 / .2