This may come unexpected, but we decided to disband Head of the Taurus. The biggest reason seems to be the lack of time, to get this running in the way we all would like it best… So to all the bands we shared the stage with, all the people who helped us out and supported us in every possible way, we just want to say a big THANK YOU!!!
At last we have some little farewell gifts. First off, some time ago we started working on some visuals for our live shows that we now turned into a video for the Song Mirovia from our Split with Rule of Coss. Check it out here: Then there will be a big merch blow out: RoC Split 12” 6€, all shirts 6€ and record bags for 3€ (+s&h). Every order gets a free poster and button too (while stocks last). Just contact us here or via mail or!
All the best to you all, thanks again and cheers, Henner, Christoph, Thomas and Tim in November 2011
Ja, es gibt bzw. gab die Shirts in Schwarz, Gruen, Grau, Weiss. Aber Weiss und Grau gabs mein ich nur in L und XL. Ich muss mal schauen, was und welche Groeßen wir noch vorraetig haben. Ich spiel sonst noch bei ABC und ne neue Krachband hab ich auch. Die hat aber noch keinen Namen. Wenns was gibt, spam ich hier rum.