Find ich trotzdem doof. Wie auch immer. Housecorerecords hat ein neues Design und ein paar neue Zeilen von Phil gibbet auch.
Zitat von TR3NDK1LLRVon nem Bekannten aus New Orleans:
ZitatLast night I went to Nunemaker Hall at Loyola University to hear Phillip speak to the Business Industries department of Music. His speech / interview was on the dangers of Heroin (drug) use in the music industry. This all stems from the recent overdose of a music student on campus.
There were 300 plus people in the auditorium and was set up on the stage with 2 chairs: one interviewer and the spotlight. His mother, sister, step father, and other family members / friends were there. It was a good showing.
He started with a little bit about himself, Pantera, Down and threw in some humor. Then the questions started about Drugs, Heroin. It was powerful...and he had the captive audience silent with his detailed descriptions of a day in the life of a heroin user...the fix, the fear, the crying, the anticipation, the withdrawal, and so on. It really made an impact, that I could tell. If someone would laugh, he'd sharply tell them that it wasn't funny...and this is a serious issue.
He ended with questions and answers. And some just asked: What was your favorite Pantera album and What Horror movies do you like today...for which he answered, but then went right back to the dangers of drugs.
He referenced his laptop computer to read a bunch of writings and other exerpts for which he, I'm thinking some or most of this will be in his autobiography.
It was good to see and hear...I think he did a real service to the music industry by talking about this. Great job, Phil
A typical Phil moment:
His mother got up to go somewhere and Phil stopped talking, looked at her and said: Mommy, where are you pee pee? The audience fell out of their seats laughing. She told me later that she's so used to him, it doesn't even faze her anymore.